The AKAO School


Edo period.

Basic Shape:

Round, oval, sometimes rounded square.


Rather elongated in shape.


Also long shape, similar to those used by Kyo-sukashi workers.


Kakumimi koniku, uchikaeshi, and others.


Iron is a little soft, but the temper is better than that of the Kinai tsuba.

Design Characteristics:

Wild geese and reeds, flowers, landscapes, and noshi (wrappers made of seaweed). These designs are usually in openwork technique. In the early work of this school the openwork is simple and picturesque. The later work will often use the same designs but they will be treated in naturalistic style with much detail.


The tsuba of this school for the most part, whether made in Echizen of iron plate, or in Edo of kawarigane plate, are better than the late work of the Shoami school and the kinko.

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