Asian Sword Guard

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"Design motif of two herons is from ceramic origin. The top and bottom symbols are perhaps very stylized 'tama' jewels or lotus buds. The seppa-dai is of a shape that is neither Chinese or Japanese. Silver nunome on the edge of the seppa-dai, very faint. The hitsu is a later addition upon its arrival in Japan. Momoyama age, ca.1600." (Long)

7.60cm x 7.65cm x 0.55cm
"There is definitely some strong Chinese influence here. As for herons on Chinese sword guards, it is rare to see them in this medium, pierced ironwork. The seppa-dai was designed with export in mind. All this being noted, we are far from having a complete picture of what was around in China because so few pieces have survived." (Long)

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A Collaboration of Robert E. Haynes and Elliott D. Long

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