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""A slight oval tsuba of very dense iron, somewhat heavy for its size. Both the mimi has a variety of strong but natural tekkotsu. The seppa-dai displays a few laminations. The color of the metal is very dark, and its overall mood antique. The design of 'NO' play props as the sole pattern is unusual, but being concise yet noble, shows how lofty the aesthetic ideals of samurai warriors were. The deep color of the iron, and the look of age of the metal surfaces indicate that this work is dated to the late Muromachi period.
Dr. Torigoye hakogaki dated 1958." (Long)

SIZE: 6.6cm x 6.9cm x 0.5cm.
Not For Sale

A Collaboration of Robert E. Haynes and Elliott D. Long

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Email    elliott@shibuiswords.com