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Provenance:   Robert E. Haynes
    Elliott Long
Serious Inquiries Only

"A Ko-Nara iron tsuba of slight oval shape. The design of blossoms inlaid with gold, silver, and copper. The composition is artistic and in keeping with the size and shape of the plate.
After the time of Toshiteru the other members of the family, and the school felt that they should differentiate their style from that of the Goto. To accomplish this they chose to apply it to iron plate rather than soft metal. In this way they could still display their decorative skill and achieve popularity.
This Ko-Nara tsuba is graceful and precise in feeling. Dr. Torigoye (using his full family name) awarded a 1st class Hakogake." (Long)

7.50cm x 7.00cm x 0.40cm


Inquiries Only:
please send Elliott and Robert an E-MAIL
( elliott@shibuiswords.com ).

A Collaboration of Robert E. Haynes and Elliott D. Long

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